Helping Parents and Children During The COVID-19 Crisis

It’s a stressful time for us all, and communicating scary news to kids is not easy. We have gathered good sources to help you communicate with children, support them, and manage stress and anxiety during these difficult and uncertain times. 

Find ways to talk to your kids.

These trusted sources have guidance and resources on how to best communicate with children:

Quick tips: Communicate in a calm voice. Find out what they know and share truthful information that is age-appropriate. Consider a daily check-in to see how they are feeling and find out if they have questions or concerns. Let them know it’s okay to feel sad and scared. For younger kids, you might start by sharing this comic.

Monitor news coverage, limit news consumption, and stick to one or two trusted sources.  

It’s best to go directly to sources of trusted information. For the latest on the pandemic, get information directly from the CDCWHO, the State of California, and the California Department of Mental HealthConsider tuning in to state or county press conferences, which are also posted online and on social media. Then choose one or two trusted local news sources. 

Do your best to stay calm.

We know this is challenging for all of us. The CDC has a page on managing stress and anxiety during this public health crisis. Our suggestions for managing everyday stress are still useful, and you can also utilize tools used for those with PTSD.

Know the signs of stress in children.

Look out for excessive crying, irritation, returning to behaviors they have outgrown (i.e. bedwetting), or excessive worry or sadness in younger children. For kids of all ages: unhealthy eating or sleeping habits, irritability and “acting out” behaviors, difficulty with attention and concentration, unexplained headaches or body pain. For teens: use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs.

Find ways to de-stress with your children.

Engage with other parents. 

Start with a group text or email chain with friends and family members who also have children and offer and ask for tips and ideas. Or consider using a video-conferencing platform like Zoom for regular check-ins. Share self-care tips and ways you are coping.

Encourage your children to connect with friends and classmates. 

Consider virtual play dates for young kids (i.e. read a story together on FaceTime or Zoom) and encourage older kids to have regular check-ins with their friends and classmates using text, email, social media platforms, or Zoom.

Share your stories and coping strategies.

We have heard from parents in our community and seen and read a lot of posts online about families struggling to maintain calm or patience while confined to home with their children of all ages.

How are you practicing self-care and coping (link to online form)? Even while we are apart, we can help each other.