Proposition 1

NAMI California is proud to support Proposition 1 and the meaningful investment in our state’s behavioral health system to modernize the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) and prioritize funding for individuals living with serious mental illness. 

Our voice was instrumental in getting the MHSA passed in 2004, and there is a reason that MHSA’s heart is client AND FAMILY driven.” We were pleased to have a seat at the table then, and in subsequent years as it’s been implemented. While the MHSA has positively transformed the public mental health system, addressing the critical needs of those living with serious mental illness has gradually diminished along the way.

NAMI California proudly collaborated with the Newsom Administration, Senator Eggman and Assemblymember Irwin to ensure consideration of family voices throughout the legislative process and are proud to support efforts to reform and strengthen our behavioral health system.

6 Reasons NAMI California supports Proposition 1:

  1. Makes necessary updates to the MHSA, providing funding for services and resources to those living with the most severe mental illness.
  2. Enhances state oversight of counties, guaranteeing they are accountable for investments generated through the bond and that voter approval is required for any future amendments.
  3. Cements critical resources within the legislative framework to ensure the original MHSA intent remains intact, including funding prioritized for outreach and engagement and stigma reduction and prevention.
  4. Increases funding in the Behavioral Health Supports and Services funding bucket, while also funding supportive services such as family engagement and psychoeducation.
  5. Provides additional resources for housing, including both community and acute care settings, which address the unique challenges faced by veterans grappling with behavioral health issues.
  6. Significantly increases treatment beds, providing funding for 11,000 behavioral health beds and 27,000 outpatient beds to meet the needs of those experiencing severe mental illness.

Together, we can ensure that individuals living with the most serious mental illnesses are receiving the resources and support they need to succeed and that families are supported.

For more information on Proposition 1, visit