LPS Conservator Support: Upcoming Meeting and Class

NAMI and the Department of Mental Health (DMH) are holding an LPS Conservatorship Mentoring Meeting and class for LPS conservators the last weekend of September at Kaiser Permanente Hospital (6041 Cadillac Ave., Rooms A&D, Los Angeles, CA. 90034). Parking at the Kaiser Permanente Hospital facility is free.  

LPS Conservatorship Mentoring Meeting: Saturday, September 28, 1-6 pm

  • The program is designed to provide guidance and a greater understanding of the involuntary mental health treatment (AKA the LPS Conservatorship), for your loved one’s mental health recovery. 
  • Presenters will discuss various treatment programs that may be more suitable for the recovery of your loved one, how to acquire resources for treatment, and obstacles you may encounter when seeking treatment. 
  • Topics and Speakers: Tim Davis, Director of Programs and Services for NAMI Westside LA, will discuss the LPS Conservatorship, AOT and FSP programs; Connie Draxler, DMH Deputy Director Public Guardian, will discuss the LPS Conservatorship legal court process and procedures ; Dr. Jonathan Sherin, Director of DMH, will be our guest speaker, to keep us abreast of the changes within the mental health system
  • No reservations are necessary and the program is free. Pizza will be served at 5 pm so attendees can enjoy camaraderie and ask questions. 

LPS Conservatorship Class: Sunday, September 29, 1-5 pm

  • This class is for those families who have someone under the LPS Conservatorship or the treating doctor has initiated the LPS Conservatorship. This class is specifically designed to provide guidance and knowledge for the LPS Conservators.  
  • Attendees will acquire the tools to help your loved one with their mental health recovery while under the LPS Conservatorship. 
  • Topics to be covered are the LPS Conservatorship laws, the powers granted to conservators, the rights of conservatee, the rights of conservator, and the solutions for problems conservators encounter.
  • The class will be taught by NAMI Urban LA’s Rosa Alvarez and Ana Gonzalez and the Public Guardian’s Office representatives Marie Guillaume and Liliana McCoy.  Public Guardian’s Office Representatives: Marie Guillaume, Supervising Deputy Public Conservator/Administrator;  Leliana McCoy, Senior Deputy Public Conservator/Administrator.
  • All attendees must register for this class. Contact Gail Evanguelidi at 337-781-7609 or gail4dine@gmail.com