Team Member

Adaline Fagen

Adaline is the CEO and Founder of Espace Design, Inc., an architectural design and construction firm based in Santa Monica, CA. She was one of the first people to open […]

Adaline is the CEO and Founder of Espace Design, Inc., an architectural design and construction firm based in Santa Monica, CA. She was one of the first people to open offices at the acclaimed Bergamot Station. She is a leader in her community who brings her lived family experience and business acumen to the Board. NAMI Westside Los Angeles is her heart. Her introduction into the world of mental health happened in 2009 with her son’s diagnosis of bipolar I disorder. She felt isolated and afraid to find herself in this space. Through a friend, she found NAMI WLA and began to gain the strength, knowledge, and hope to move forward in this journey. She and her husband Ralph took the Nami Family to Family class. What happened in those classes saved her marriage, her relationship with her son, and her life. Adaline and her husband trained to become Family-to-Family teachers as a way of giving back. They taught for 7 years. Her first job on the Board was to head the Gala Committee, which she still heads today. She volunteered to become Secretary of the Board in 2015. She currently serves as Co-Chair of the Board of Directors. What a ride. She remembers every person who walked into that first Family-to-Family class. She worked in many capacities over the years. It is a tremendous honor to be part of this organization and to have a voice that can reach so many people in need. Adaline serves in a community of enlightened, caring people. Fighting for the rights of those who suffer has become her life.
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