Reimagine Our National Response to People in Crisis
Every year, millions of mental health or suicidal crisis calls are made to 911 and other crisis lines. But unfortunately, when in-person help is needed, law enforcement–not a mental health professional–is often the only response available. As a result, people in crisis face avoidable trauma and tragedy.
People in crisis deserve better.
That’s why NAMI is hosting REIMAGINE: A Week of Action to Reimagine Our National Response to People in Crisis
Throughout the week, we will be asking policymakers to support mental health and suicidal crisis services. 988, a new three-digit number for mental health, substance use and suicidal crises, goes live nationwide in July 2022. While this easy-to-remember number is an important start, it will take federal and state action to create and fund crisis response systems in every community.
Sign up to participate here, sign NAMI’s petitions, and help us spread the word on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn that people in mental health crisis deserve help, not handcuffs.