NAMIWalks Success in LA
What a great day! We had nearly 2000 participants at this year’s NAMIWalks, the Los Angeles “Make Waves in Mental Health” fundraising walk. We raised almost $500,000 for our programs, and NAMI nationwide took in $11.8 million.
Thanks to all westside teams and team captains:
Heal the Brain: Sharon Dunas
Sea Change in Mental Health: Shelley Hoffman
We are Not Alone 2018: Deborah Juster
In Memory of Our Beloved Roee: Dorit Zirler
Resnick UCLA: Sunnie Dishman
Recovery Not Stigma!:Linda Diamond-Klopert
The Wright Step: Mitzi Wright
Gemini: Nagwa Khattab
Life Adjustment Team: Cynthia Sampson
Chicago School of Counseling: Amy DiNoble
Talk to Michele: Michele Hahn, MFT
Brainfulness: Tim Davis
Team Goji: Sheryl D.
For Our Families: Cynthia Brown
Happy Feet: Danny Alvarado
Jessie’s Family: Toni Espera
spaceMVMNT: Brittany Bronson
Twisted Spirits-Bent Zen: Duane Bentzen