Voting for Mental Health
We’re coming up on another Election Day on Tuesday, November 8. Join us in ensuring that our community members #Vote4MentalHealth!
Why vote for mental health? The people we elect at all levels of government make decisions that impact the availability of mental health services and supports in our communities, so it’s crucial to understand that your vote matters. The NAMI #Vote4MentalHealth campaign we’re joining is nonpartisan—the NAMI Alliance will never tell people what party or candidate to vote for; instead, we focus on understanding how every person’s vote impacts mental health.
Here are three steps to take to make a difference this election year.
1. Make sure you’re registered to vote and you have a plan. Vote early if you can. Find out about California’s voting deadlines here. First time voting? Here’s good guidance from NAMI here.
2. Join us in encouraging others to vote!
3. Share why mental health is important to them as a voter to get others to join the movement.
Download graphics you can share on social media.