Halloween and Mental Health
Halloween can be, well, tricky for a lot of people.
First, there’s the real fear faced by children and adults living with anxiety and other mental health conditions that can be activated by everything from Halloween decorations to horror movie trailers.
Then, there’s the mental health stigma, as we continue to see the perpetration of stereotypes of people living with mental illness. It took public protests for Knott’s Berry Farm to remove an asylum attraction at their Knott’s Scary Farm Halloween, and a Google search shows that straight jacket costumes are still being sold. (More on the subject: “Mental Illness Is Not a Halloween Costume” by Psychology Today.)
Below, some posts on Halloween and mental health.
Tips for Parents
“Taking Halloween by the Horns” (Child Mind Institute)
“How To Help Your Kids Overcome Fear And Anxiety Triggered By Halloween” (Huffington Post)
This is Your Brain on Halloween
“You Love Haunted Houses Because They’re Playing a Trick On Your Brain” (Time)
“Celebrating Halloween When You Have A Mental Illness Can Be Triggering, & This Is How To Cope” (Bustle)