Community Voices: New Year Intentions for 2023

It’s the time of year when we hear all about new year’s resolutions (making them, breaking them, starting again). Here at NAMI WLA, we favor setting intentions. If you have ever felt the disappointment or shame of not being able to keep a tangible resolution or goal, setting an intention could be what you need to set yourself on the right course.

“Intentions are different from goals because goals are about what we do. However, they are related because intentions give us a direction and will that empower us to set and achieve goals…” (Psychology Today)

“Taking the intention-based approach to making change is a gentler, more compassionate way of addressing the voice that tells us it is time for something to shift or to come to fruition….” Insight Timer)

“An intention is much more than a resolution to achieve an external goal. It runs deeper. An intention is a guide for identifying your core values and using them to design the life you want to lead and to become the person you want to be.” (Thrive Global)

So what are your intentions for the new year? Here are some of ours, and scroll down for the form to share yours below!

“My new year intention is to listen more, be calm, and have less anxiety to enjoy life.” – Cynthia

 “I intend to practice more self-compassion in 2022 and, in so doing, I intend to overflow with a greater capacity to serve my family and the NAMI community that I love so dearly.” – Debbie

“Be gentle first with myself and also carve more time out for self-care. For me, that looks like more time with my family, more time in nature and more time dancing!” – Erin

“Do more for myself. And continue to know that I live in abundance when I help others.” – Gigi

“Be happier.” – Garrett

“My new year’s intentions are to be more active, to stop anxious habits such as nail biting when I recognize that I am doing so, and to lead with love and positivity when I can.” – Jada

“My intention for the new year is to be more mindful of how I’m spending my time and to cultivate habits that are good for me, which will also help me be my best self for my loved ones and community.” – Stef

“My biggest intention for the new year is to live more intentionally, and to show up for my family, friends and colleagues with greater compassion and care. Trauma-focused therapy in the past year has helped me, slowly but surely, let go of old patterns and behaviors that were once necessary coping strategies, but which no longer serve me or the humans I love most on this planet… or the NAMI WLA community I love being part of and supporting. I intend to continue on this trajectory of recovery in 2022… and beyond!” – Tim