Mental Health Resources for Students

School can be tough for anyone, but it can be especially challenging for those impacted by mental health conditions.

Consider these facts:

  • 75% of all mental health conditions begin by age 24.
  • 1 in 5 children ages 13-18 have, or will have, a serious mental illness.

First things first: Know the warning signs of mental illness. More mental health resources for students, parents, and teachers are below.

For College

NAMI’s College Guide, with warning signs and tips

Tips on how to help a friend who may be facing mental health challenges

Guide to managing a mental health condition in college

NAMI On Campus program

“‘I began feeling like I mattered’: How on-campus mental health counseling can make a big difference” (David Leffler, Washington Post)

A Parent’s Guide To Mental Health For College Students

Disability Rights Fact Sheet: Colleges and Universities

For Middle and High School

Our NAMI Westside Los Angeles team speaks to middle and high school students about mental illness, including warning signs, facts, and statistics, and we share how they can get help for themselves or a friend with our “Ending the Silence” program. Ask a teacher or administrator to request an “Ending the Silence” presentation for your school (it’s free!).

NAMI On Campus High School Clubs

Ensuring Your Child is is Supported At School