Janis Black Warner Speaker Series

Real Talk About Mental Health

NAMI Westside Los Angeles is proud to present the Janis Black Warner Speaker series, which features talks and presentations by mental health professionals.

April 2024

Join us in the next installment of the Janis Black Warner Speaker Series, where we are honored to host Kathleen Donovan, MS, Clinical Supervisor, and Eric B. Carlson, LMFT, Clinical Director from the Life Adjustment Team. This episode also features Cynthia Sampson, LAT Executive Director, and Garrett Shaw, AMFT, LAT Community Outreach Coordinator, making it a session packed with invaluable insights from some of the most dedicated professionals in mental health and recovery.

March 2024

In an illuminating session of the Janis Black Warner Speaker Series, we are proud to present Jayson Lansford, MBA, as our esteemed guest. With a compelling journey that navigates through the complexities of the criminal justice system and transformative rehabilitation programs, Jayson shares how these experiences fueled his fervent passion for advocacy and social justice, especially in the context of mental health.

January 2024

Jennifer Hunt from the Los Angeles Department of Mental Health on The Community Assistance, Recovery and Empowerment (CARE) Act.

November 2023

JANIS BLACK WARNER SPEAKER SERIES – With Speakers Bruce Lewitt and Carol Larkin from Speakers from Proxy Parent Foundation Wednesday, November 1, 7 pm PT via Zoom.

May 2023

Dr. Stephen Marder, MD, Professor of Psychiatry at Semel Institute for Neuroscience at UCLA. Dr. Marder spoke about new medications for psychotic disorders, as well as tardive dyskinesia, diabetes, and obesity.

April 2023

Kevin Nahai, a certified life coach, speaker, author and therapist on debunking misconceptions about people struggling with mental health, de-stigmatizing mental illness, and suggesting effective treatment options.

March 2023

Dr. Mark Ragins, author of “Journeys Beyond the Frontier: A Rebellious Guide to Psychosis and Other Extraordinary Experiences,” and a street psychologist who provides outreach to unhoused community members with a mobile clinic. His presentation: “Recovery Perspectives of Homelessness and Mental Illness.”

February 2023

Adam Sholder, Executive Director of Insight Enrichment Group and one of our family support group facilitators, presents“Building Resiliency: Vicarious Trauma for Families and Caregivers.”

January 2023

Brenda Sarai Zuniga shared practical tools to help reduce anxiety, depression, and stress.

December 2023

Dr. Ken Duckworth, NAMI’s Chief Medical Officer and author of NAMI’s first-ever book “You Are Not Alone,” was joined with a panel of subjects who were interviewed for the book.