Our CalHOPE resource navigators have compiled our frequently asked questions from callers on our warm line. Click on the questions below for more resources. 

I'm feeling lonely and isolated. What should I do?

  • Identify a person you trust, such as a neighbor, who can visit regularly in-person or via a video call and be an emergency contact.
  • Stay connected with family and friends through video chats, email, and social media. If you’re not tech savvy, ask for help to learn.
  • Talk with others who share common interests. Try a support group online or in person. Maybe your community has a book club, improv class, or trivia night that can be a place to enjoy activities and socialize with people with similar hobbies.
  • Consider adopting a pet if you are able to care for them. Animals can be a source of comfort and may also lower stress and blood pressure.
  • Stay physically active by participating in group exercise, such as joining a walking club, exercise class, or working out with a friend.
  • Find a faith-based organization where you can deepen your spirituality and engage with others in activities and events.

I need resources for my loved one who lives with a mental health condition. How can you help me?

If you or a loved one is experiencing a crisis, our counselors can provide you with immediate support.

  • Call 911 for emergencies
  • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 800-273-8255
  • The LA County Department of Mental Health Crisis Hotline is 800-854-7771 and is open 24/7
  • You can reach our Crisis Text Line by texting NAMI to 741741
  • You can also reach the CA Youth Crisis line at 800-843-5200

Our counselors have expertise in a variety of mental health conditions including, but not limited to:

  • Addiction and Substance Abuse
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Eating Disorders
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Psychosis and Schizophrenia
  • Suicide

Support Groups and Therapy: 

  • Free/low-cost therapy and support groups
  • NAMI WLA Support Groups
  • Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment
  • SHARE! the Self-Help And Recovery Exchange
  • Sober living homes

Coping Skills: 

  • Breathing exercises
  • Psychology tools
  • Mental health mobile apps
  • Journaling
  • Exercise

How do I help my loved one with making medical decisions?

Gail Evanguelidi: 

Our contact person for understanding LPS Conservatorship. ​A Lanterman Petris Short (LPS) Conservatorship is the legal term used in California which gives ​one adult (conservator) the responsibility for overseeing the comprehensive medical treatment for ​an adult (conservatee) who has a serious mental illness. Under the LPS Conservatorship, medication can be mandated.

  • Phone Number: 337-781-7609
  • Email: gail4dine@gmail.com

DMH FAQ on Conservatorship:

I’m having trouble paying my bills. Where can I find financial assistance?


Income-eligible renters and their landlords may receive 100% financial assistance through the CA Covid-19 Rent Relief program. Get help with 100% of your unpaid rent and utilities dating back to April 1, 2022, as well as future rent payments. Utility assistance will be paid directly to the utility provider. Visit https://housing.ca.gov or call 833-430-2122 to apply.


211 Connects people to local resources and assistance for crisis and emergency, housing, food, and health. Call 211 (Spanish speaking option available) or text your zip code to 898211. You can also visit https://www.211.org.

Food Assistance:

The CalFresh Program (formerly known as Food Stamps) helps low-income households increase their food-buying power to meet their household’s nutritional needs. CalFresh benefits issued through Electronic Benefit Transfer, also known as EBT card, can be used in grocery stores and participating Farmers Markets. Homeless, elderly or disabled persons may purchase prepared meals from participating restaurants with their EBT card. SSI/SSP recipients in California are also eligible for CalFresh benefits, provided all other eligibility requirements are met. Call 866-613-3777 or visit https://dpss.lacounty.gov/en/food/calfresh.html for more information.


The Employment Development Department (EDD) of California provides unemployment benefits, worker’s compensation, welfare, or temporary assistance to individuals who qualify. Create an account and apply at https://edd.ca.gov/unemployment/ to find out if you are eligible.