Janis Black Warner Speaker Series Set for August 5
For our Janis Black Warner Speaker Series on Wednesday, August 5, Roger S. Nolan, will join us for a presentation on “Managing Difficult Emotions with Mindfulness: The Science and Practice of Meditation.”
Nolan is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy Certified Mindfulness Teacher – Professional Level. His program will include a discussion of the nature of emotions from the point of view of brain science. Topics will include why we have emotions, what they are, and what they might be trying to tell us. This will be balanced by a more experiential portion of the program devoted to mindfulness and mindfulness meditation. Topics will include what mindfulness is (and is not), the mechanisms that cause mindfulness to work, and how these mechanisms can be used to ease emotional distress. There will be at least two mindfulness practices during the program, and since these practices are very simple, all attendees will be able to incorporate mindfulness meditation practice into their daily life after just this one lesson.
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