Empowering Minds: Highlights from the Creators 4 Mental Health Event by PeaceInsideLive

In case you missed it, the recent Creators 4 Mental Health event organized by PeaceInsideLive was an undeniable success, drawing a diverse group of speakers and participants who came together to share their expertise and experiences in mental health and creativity. Held in a vibrant, welcoming atmosphere, this unique gathering offered a day packed with enriching activities, insightful discussions, and empowering workshops.

The event kicked off with warm welcomes from Peace Inside Live’s own Shira Lazar and Jordana Reim, who set the stage for a day of deep connection and personal growth. Their introductions paved the way for a series of engaging sessions designed to inspire and educate attendees about the importance of mental wellness and creative expression.

One of the highlights of the day was the meditation and sound healing session led by Jordana Reim. Participants had the opportunity to engage in mindfulness practices that not only soothed the mind but also enhanced mental clarity and focus. Following this peaceful interlude, entertainment industry therapist Kara Mayer Robinson offered her expertise on regulating the nervous system for creativity, providing practical tips for using emotional and physiological self-regulation to unlock creative potential.

Creators for Mental Health

As the day moved into the evening, the Creator Conversation panel featured Dr. Raghu Appasani, Kelsey Darragh, and Dr. Kojo, who shared their experiences and advice on integrating mental health advocacy into creative and professional life. This was followed by a networking session, allowing attendees to connect with one another and discuss future collaborations.

Adding to the depth of the event, NAMI Westside LA was in attendance, participating actively in the festivities and furthering their mission of mental health education and advocacy. Their involvement underscored the community-oriented spirit of the event, highlighting the collective effort to promote mental health awareness.

The Creators 4 Mental Health event by PeaceInsideLive was not just a gathering but a profound experience that resonated with all who attended, leaving them with new insights, connections, and a renewed commitment to mental wellness and creativity.

Alissa and X.ARI